News and knowhow for farmers


Dollar-rich Gulf beef buyers fly into Kenya inflating local meat prices

The disruption of usual meat supply channels from Kenya to the Middle East has seen meat traders from the Gulf fly into Kenya with pockets full of dollars which has...

Tropical sugarbeet: New crop opportunity for all counties

The introduction of tropical sugarbeet varieties has opened up its cultivation to millions of farmers in Rift Valley, Central, and Nyanza. Given that sugarbeets are more economical in sugar production

Kenya’s potato late blight resistance ticking time bomb for Sh50B agri-sector

Kenya’s potato production has shrunk from 22.4 tons per hectare in 2008 to just 8.4 t/ha in 2022. This is four times lower than the country’s 30 to 40 t/ha

Seed-coating organic fertiliser increases germination rates, upping yield 30%

On average, 76 per cent of market-bought seeds planted by Kenyan farmers germinate. Well below the acceptable 100-85 per cent maize germination percentage. This is a big financial blow to


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