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The NEWS platform for farming families feeding Africa

Sunflower Seed Sellers

Sunflower Seller Registration Form
Your contact and farm details
If you cannot answer the optional questions, it will not affect your sale

Please give your name*

Please give your name*

Please give your phone number*

Please give your phone number*

Please give your email address, if you have one

Please give your email address, if you have one

Please give the county, ward and sub-ward where your farm is located*

Please give the county, ward and sub-ward where your farm is located*

Please confirm you can deliver your seeds to a collection point*

Please confirm you can deliver your seeds to a collection point*

If you cannot deliver your seed to a collection point, please give details of why not

If you cannot deliver your seed to a collection point, please give details of why not

What size is your farm?*

What size is your farm?*

Please give your answer in acres or parts of acres

How large is the plot you are planting with sunflowers?*

How large is the plot you are planting with sunflowers?*

Have you tested your soil?*

Have you tested your soil?*

If you have tested your soil, what is it's pH?

If you have tested your soil, what is it's pH?

Your sunflowers

Have you already planted sunflowers?*

Have you already planted sunflowers?*

When will your seeds be ready for your next sale?*

When will your seeds be ready for your next sale?*

Please give the seed type you are using below*

Please give the seed type you are using below*

If you do not know your seed type, please use the 'other or not known' option at the end

What volume of seeds do you expect to sell in your next sale?*

What volume of seeds do you expect to sell in your next sale?*

Did you use pesticides for your sunflowers?*

Did you use pesticides for your sunflowers?*

Did you lose any of your crop, or experience challenges because of weather, soil quality, pests, or any other reason?*

Did you lose any of your crop, or experience challenges because of weather, soil quality, pests, or any other reason?*

Please give details

How did you learn the best ways to get high yields for your sunflowers?*

How did you learn the best ways to get high yields for your sunflowers?*

If you learnt in more than one place, please tick all the palces you learned about how to grow sunflowers

Do you believe you could get higher yields with extension support?*

Do you believe you could get higher yields with extension support?*

Would you use extension support if it was available?*

Would you use extension support if it was available?*

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