Our Community
Built by smallholders, for smallholders, our community is changing lives every day by building farming and agriculture know how in Africa.
Making the change
- 88.8% of our polled readers say they changed their farming after reading a FarmBizAfrica story
- 30% say they have made more than 5 farming changes because of FarmBizAfrica stories
- 69.2% say just their top change increased their income by more than 20%
- 15.3% say just one FarmBizAfrica change increased their income by more than 60%
X a million
- Over 200,000 farmers read our stories every month
- They view over a million stories a month
- Polled readers report making changes from approximately 1 in 10 of the FarmBizAfrica stories they read
- That’s 100,000 farming changes a month
At FAO average income, at 35% increase per change, that equals:
$322m added to annual farming incomes for our readers each month
Do you want to join us in making the change?
We have three volunteer schemes you can apply for
Community Reporters
Always asking, always listening
Do you have story ideas you would love to see researched and published, would you like to go to agricultural fairs for FarmBizAfrica and search
for strong story ideas, or get farmers’ comments and experiences, or other notes for us to include? We credit our community reporters at the
bottom of our stories, so every story you help us with, you will get your name published as our community reporter for that story.
Community Teachers
Always showing. always explaining
Would you like to tell other farmers about FarmBizAfrica and about how to use it, as a FarmBizAfrica ambassador, equipped with our readers’ packs and
your accreditation into our FarmBizAfrica Ambassador scheme.
Community Developers
Always building, always creating. Would you like to join our team challenges and hackathons to develop our platform and tech to deliver better
services to all our community? Sign up here and we can invite you in to our tech events.
If you would like to join FarmBizAfrica as a volunteer, please fill out your entry form, below: