News and knowhow for farmers

The NEWS platform for farming families feeding Africa

September 2022

Chickens Mary Njeri Nakuru By Laban Robert 2

Why farmers should gradually introduce new feed to avoid fall in production

Farmers, who gradually introduce new feeds to livestock, have sustained yields during and after the transition period. Instant change of feed brand for whatever reason shocks livestock like chicken, which go into production recess as a result of stress. Nakuru County farmer Mary Njeri said poultry, especially chickens, drop eggs production almost immediately after the

Why farmers should gradually introduce new feed to avoid fall in production Read More »

organic sukumawiki

Study shows organic potential in uplifting farmer income & health

Or­ganic ag­ri­cul­ture is not only cap­able of gen­er­at­ing com­par­able yields, but also pro­du­cing more in­come and health be­ne­fits for farm­ers than con­ven­tional meth­ods ac­cord­ing to long-term study by the Swiss Re­search In­sti­tute of Or­ganic Ag­ri­cul­ture (FiBL) in Kenya. The study which took ten years was con­duc­ted in Thika and Chuka sub-counties. It found that or­ganic

Study shows organic potential in uplifting farmer income & health Read More »

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