News and knowhow for farmers

The NEWS platform for farming families feeding Africa


Combatting the Destructive DiamondBack Moth in Vegetables

Brassica crops, which include cabbages, kales, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli and rape seeds, are important vegetables in Kenya, largely grown for local consumption, export and processing (dehydration and oil extraction).  While most of the production is in the small holder sector, commercial production is on the increase, especially, for cabbage. One major limiting factor to […]

Combatting the Destructive DiamondBack Moth in Vegetables Read More »

farmers in turkana tending to cowpeas

40 refugees in Turkana set to up vegetable production after training

Over 40 refugees from Kalobeyei Settlement in Turkana County are set to maximize the use of limited space and scarce water to produce maximum yields thanks to a project by Ruben Centre, a non-profit faith-based organization in Kenya that aims to address food insecurity through innovative, climate-resilient and replicable agricultural techniques in the area. “After

40 refugees in Turkana set to up vegetable production after training Read More »

Mfalme F1 kales sukumawiki

Former bodaboda rider earns up to Sh40,000 a season from vegetable farming

Part of Mwambigu’s kales farm at Taita-Taveta. Photo courtesy. After being edged out of bodaboda riding business due to competition towards the end of 2018, Jasper Mwambigu saw another opportunity in irrigation to supply vegetables for the market ahead as drought-ravaged crops across the country.  The 25-year-old Taita-Taveta farmer piped water from nearby Kisenyi Dam, which had

Former bodaboda rider earns up to Sh40,000 a season from vegetable farming Read More »

Former electrician invents new multi-storey gardening farming technology using dam liners

A former Kenya Railways electrician has invented a new multi-storey gardening farming technology using dam liners which allow smooth flow of water downwards and last for 10 years as compared to sacks or old mosquito nets widely used by Kenyan farmers. Daniel Gitau Thairu worked for the railway corporation between 1987 and 2002 before leaving

Former electrician invents new multi-storey gardening farming technology using dam liners Read More »

celery greenhouse

Farmer invests in water to increase his gross income from Sh30,000 to Sh360,000 a season

A section of Daniel Njuguna’s celery greenhouse at Ihendu in Naivasha. The crops are ready for harverst. Photo courtesy. A farmer in Naivasha, Nakuru County who started growing tomatoes eight years ago using a donkey and a cart to fetch water to irrigate his locally made tomato greenhouse is now earning about Sh360,000 per season

Farmer invests in water to increase his gross income from Sh30,000 to Sh360,000 a season Read More »

multistorey garden

With a multi-storey vegetable garden you can harvest 30kg of kales per bag in your backyard garden every two months

Urban farmers can reduce the cost of buying vegetables by half by establishing a multistory vegetable garden to plant crops such as kales and spinach in their backyards all year round. According to a report released by global market research and consulting firm Ipsos Synovate in March last year the high cost of living (35

With a multi-storey vegetable garden you can harvest 30kg of kales per bag in your backyard garden every two months Read More »


Company contracts farmers to supply supermarkets with onions, tomatoes, kales, spinach and mushrooms

.Organic Farmers Market, a company that was founded in 2010 and promotes health eating habits provides a platform for farmers to sell their vegetables directly to supermarkets within Nairobi.  In this, the farmers pay Sh350 market participation fee once per week to enable them sell the produce in shopping malls within Nairobi. There is also

Company contracts farmers to supply supermarkets with onions, tomatoes, kales, spinach and mushrooms Read More »

kales farming in kenya

Cabbages, kales and tomatoes earns graduate Sh120,000 in profits in three months

A Nandi County farmer, Zabdi Chumba is earning approximately Sh120,000 in profits every three months after abandoning maize farming in 2015, a crop he had grown since he was in primary school. The farmer supplies vegetables such as cabbages and kales to schools, groceries and consumers within Nandi County and its environs. The amount he

Cabbages, kales and tomatoes earns graduate Sh120,000 in profits in three months Read More »

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