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Kenya Breweries Limited

kbl tree planting

Kenya Breweries Limited commits Sh8m for the restoration of Mt. Kenya and Aberdare forests

Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) in collaboration with Nature Kenya and Kenya Forest Service has committed Ksh.8 million towards the restoration of Mt. Kenya and Aberdares forests as part of its environmental conservation efforts through the brewer’s staff-driven initiative, Kijani, that aims to plant over 100,000 trees in the next two years. The initiative which begun […]

Kenya Breweries Limited commits Sh8m for the restoration of Mt. Kenya and Aberdare forests Read More »

white sorghum

Kenya Breweries Limited introduces a mobile app to manage sorghum production by contracted farmers

Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) has rolled out a mobile application to accurately track the sorghum grown by the company’s over 30,000 farmers contracted to grow the Senator Keg raw material. KBL Managing Director Jane Karuku said the Farmforce app will be used to track out-growers, eliminate paperwork and enable the brewer to receive reports from

Kenya Breweries Limited introduces a mobile app to manage sorghum production by contracted farmers Read More »

kamugi sorghum threshing machine

KBL to distribute grain threshing machines to entice Nyanza farmers into sorghum farming

KBL Supply Chain Director Peter Kamugi (left) hands over a sorghum thresher to a farmer. Photo courtesy. Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) is set to distribute 20 threshing machines which are used to separate grains from chaffs to first-time sorghum farmers in Nyanza and Western regions in latest efforts to increase production volumes ahead of the

KBL to distribute grain threshing machines to entice Nyanza farmers into sorghum farming Read More »

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