News and knowhow for farmers

The NEWS platform for farming families feeding Africa


Practical solutions helping vulnerable communities adapt to a changing climate

According to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Growth & Opportunity President Rodger Voorhies,  the alarming realities of climate change are now evident almost everywhere.  July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded. Countries all over the world are experiencing deadly heat waves. The climate threat is particularly perilous for sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, […]

Practical solutions helping vulnerable communities adapt to a changing climate Read More »

unga super

Government asks farmers to grow millet, sorghum, cassava and amaranth for blending with maize flour

The Kenyan ministry of agriculture has urged maize farmers all over the country to plant millet, cassava, sorghum and amaranth crops to be used for blending maize flour in a move aimed at reducing overdependence on maize for food and income and improve the country’s nutritional needs. According to a report released last year by

Government asks farmers to grow millet, sorghum, cassava and amaranth for blending with maize flour Read More »

maize millet sorghum blend

Government’s maize flour blending policy to reduce shortage and promote sorghum, millet and cassava farming

A proposal by the ministry of Agriculture to push millers to blend maize flour with other local nutritious grains such as sorghum, millet and cassava will ensure sufficient production of food as well as promote production and commercialisation of the local grains to improve famers’ earnings. Maize consumption is estimated at 98 kilograms per person

Government’s maize flour blending policy to reduce shortage and promote sorghum, millet and cassava farming Read More »

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