News and knowhow for farmers

The NEWS platform for farming families feeding Africa


New Sh2.8 billion Kericho sugar mill boon for cane farmers 

Sugarcane farmers in Kericho and surrounding counties are set to benefit from the newly constructed Sh2.8 billion West Valley Sugar Company Limited in Kapsoit town, Kericho County. According to factory Managing Director Benard Soi, the private factory will begin operations in three months’ time crushing 1,250 tonnes, equivalent to 2,500 bags of sugar daily, gotten […]

New Sh2.8 billion Kericho sugar mill boon for cane farmers  Read More »

Zachariah Onchuri watermelon farmer Malindi

Persistent watermelon farmer rakes over Sh900,000 a season despite losing all at first attempt

Zachariah Onchuri, a watermelon farmer in Malindi County is earning over Sh90,000 net profit a season from the venture he started in 2010 after persistently defying all odds to continue growing the fruit despite losing Sh11,000 he invested in the first attempt due to lack of enough knowhow in farming. Before venturing into watermelon farming,

Persistent watermelon farmer rakes over Sh900,000 a season despite losing all at first attempt Read More »


Youth, women empowerment firm in need of more arrowroot buyers for the produce

ProxyCom limited, an IT company which was originally formed to only offer ICT services but has turned out to empower youth and women through its agribusiness department is currently looking for additional markets for arrowroots, a produce they adopted in 2016 after abandoning sugarcane farming. The Homa Bay County based company was founded in 2008

Youth, women empowerment firm in need of more arrowroot buyers for the produce Read More »

Sugarcane Farming in Kenya

County government to build own sugar factory saving farmers transport costs

Sugarcane being loaded on a tructor for trasportation to the factory. Transporters bill farmers between Sh450 and Sh1,500 to transport sugarcane from their farms to the mills, depending on distance covered. Sugarcane farmers from Kisii County are set to enjoy less transport costs of about Sh300 a tonne of cane transported to the millers as compared

County government to build own sugar factory saving farmers transport costs Read More »

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