Farmer sells guinea pigs by roasting them for consumers
A rabbit farmer, who visited a friend and found him rearing guinea pigs in the kitchen, has expanded his venture in the later livestock after
A rabbit farmer, who visited a friend and found him rearing guinea pigs in the kitchen, has expanded his venture in the later livestock after
Small-scale dairy farmers can install adjustable plastic biogas digeters on loans, which are repaid in installments of up to 24 months. GesiShamba Biogas Systems Coordinator
Farmers can store excess livestock feeds for more than one year by adding sugarcane molasses to the silage for preservation. Molasses, which is a by-product
Tomato farmers using black threads in supporting the plants off the ground can cut on pest control unlike those using yellow threads, which attract multiple
Arrowroot farmers can cut growing period by two months by planinting a high yielding and quick maturing variety from Rwanda, which is also drought tolerant.
Men working to lay a plastic digester for one of the GesiShamba farmers. The plastic digester allow for resizing to fit the volume of cos
One Nyeri County farmer has found a new way of mixing multi-nutrient exotic beans, sweet lupines, with maize flour to feed his semi-indigenous cattle. The
Farmers may soon spend about a sixth of the current tillage costs per acre after the Jomo Kenyatta of Agriculture and Technology commercialises its cheap
Farmers bordering high speed streams or rivers can push up to 5000 litres of water a day without incurring any power costs using a Jomo
Farmers giving livestock feeds laced with yeast stand to increase milk out-put by up to three litres due to improved conversion rate. Nyeri County farmer
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