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Hundreds of semi-arid maize farmers shift to high-yielding drought-tolerant rice doubling earnings

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Hundreds of previous maize farmers are moving to high-yielding drought-tolerant rice grown in semi-arid areas with well-drained soils doubling their earnings.

The 800 farmers from Meru, Embu, and Tharaka Nithi counties are growing the Nerica 10 rain-fed rice variety under the long rains of March to May. The rice variety is suited to areas with minimal water and where maize or wheat are planted. Since 2008, the amount of rice consumed by Kenyans has increased by 12.7 per cent each year leaving the country with a hefty Sh42.5 billion import bill. The commercialisation of dry rice has provided an opportunity for farmers in areas where the crop is not often grown to cash in on this rising demand.

“Both my maize and rice crops mature at the same time. However, when I go to the market I fetch Sh100 for a kilogram of rice and Sh50 for maize,” said Mbai, a farmer in Meru County.

Under Kilimo Trust’s Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Rice Initiative for Climate Smart Agriculture (R4iCSA), over the past two years, over 3,800 small-scale farmers have been trained in rainfed rice farming.

According to Dr. Birungi Korutaro of Kilimo Trust, growing upland rice will be crucial to achieving rice sufficiency in Kenya.

Upland rice has the potential to be grown on one million hectares– double the area suited to irrigated or flooded rice. Today, only 20 per cent (30,000 ha) of Kenya’s rice is grown with rain. 

“By reducing our dependence on imported rice, we can lower food import costs and bolster local economies. Our commitment to promoting upland rice farming aligns with our vision for a food-secure East Africa that is both economically and environmentally sustainable,” Birungi added.

NERICA 10 is an aromatic good-yielding (18-30 bags/acre) and early maturing rice variety harvestable in 90-105 days. 

Upland rice costs less to produce than paddy rice as it does not require investment in flooding water and equipment. It can also be grown together with and used in rotation with other crops on the same plot of land meaning a farmer’s land is not restricted to growing a single crop. 

Nerica 10 rice has ideal long grains and good cooking quality– is not sticky when boiled and has the grain size, shape, and whiteness demanded by the market. It is also tolerant to rice blast, yellow mottle virus, and bacterial leaf blight.

It can be grown in upland regions of Western, Nyanza Rift Valley, Central, Eastern, N. Eastern, and Coast regions.

Nerica 10 can be purchased from any KALRO Mkulima Shop in the country.

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