News and knowhow for farmers

Alfacyper-M 100EC insecticide fights maize streak virus

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        50ml package of Alfacyper-M 100EC. It is available in different packages affordable to farmers.

Maize farmers are set to enjoy the sweat of their labour which for long has been affected by deadly maize diseases like streak virus with Alfacyper-M 100EC now affordable to most small holder farmers.

Under natural infection conditions, maize streak disease can cause yield losses that vary between 33-55% in East Africa as per the National Farmers Information Service (NAFIS).

The virus is transmitted by leafhoppers (Cicadulina spp.) and the symptoms include white to yellowish streaking on the leaves. Plants infected at early stage usually do not produce any cobs and this is a very big loss to a farmer.

Disease development is promoted by prolonged wetness on foliage, extended dew, Relative Humidity (97-100%) and relatively warm temperatures (24-35° C).

For farmers keen to use Alfacyper M EC, it is advisable to start spraying one month after planting or when leafhoppers are seen on the crop or when one plant show symptoms.

Using 20-litre spraying pump, mix 20-30ml of the chemical per 20 liters of water adding each time depending with the size of the farm or garden.

“A litre of Alfacyper-M 100EC goes for Sh1400 and there are different packages affordable to our customers,” said Abbigail Luvisa, Marketing Manager Murphy Chemicals (E.A.) Ltd.

Alfacyper-M 100EC is one of the registered crop pesticides for use on crops by Pest Control Products Board (NCPB) under registration number PCPB (CR)0492-p(i).

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However, prevention is better than cure. For farmers who would like to avoid the costs of the drug they can plant certified seeds, plant early in the season at the onset of rains, keep the field free from weeds, and rotate maize with non-grass crops like potatoes and avoid overlap of two maize crops.

Farmers are also advised to often monitor their farms at least three times a week and should they identify a plant showing symptoms of the virus, the plant should be uprooted, fed to the livestock or burnt.



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