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Kenya to increase coffee exports to South Korea

coffee exports
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By George Munene

Kenya is looking to increase its coffee exports to South Korea by 10 -11 tonnes. 

“At South Korea’s 2021 Coffee Expo there was an interest in additional orders of up to 11 tons of our coffee from Korean coffee cooperatives. This reaffirmed the market’s affinity for Kenyan coffee,” said Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Betty Maina.

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Speaking after Kenya’s maiden appearance at the four-day event held in South Korea’s capital Seoul, she added that the ministry was in talks with the Korean government to either remove or reduce the eight per cent tax imposed on Kenyan coffee.

The duty disadvantages Kenya’s coffee exports, which compete with Least Developed Countries that enjoy duty-free access.

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According to the Coffee report 2021, Kenya exported 46,333 metric tons of coffee in the 2019/20 coffee year– the equivalent Sh 22 billion in earnings. 

Kenya currently exports 12 per cent of its coffee to the East Asian nation.

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