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1300+ Isiolo pastoralists benefit from Sh128 million fund

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By George Munene

Over 1,000 pastoralists and 300 agro-pastoralists in Isiolo County are to be  beneficiaries of a Sh128 million German-funded climate change project.

The programme will run for three years and aims to promote sustainable livelihoods through agriculture and livestock farming.

It will target farmers groups in Oldonyiro, Cherab, Garbatulla, Sericho, Kinna and Chari wards of Isiolo County.

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Pastoralists and agro-pastoralists will be grouped in 100 member associations linked to at least three vet suppliers and four seed companies. 

A veterinary laboratory will be established in Kinna Ward to enable the pastoralist obtain vet services close to home.

The farmers will be trained on climate-smart agriculture, and provided with material support such as certified drought-resistant seeds, farm implements and animal supplements for increased productivity. 

The training will target fodder production to avoid perennial communal conflicts over grazing land and cattle death due to the depletion of grassland.

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The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through the Sign of Hope, and implemented by the Merti Integrated Development Programme (MID-P).

“Our main focus is on building climate-resilient communities and empowering local institutions. We will also work with the Isiolo County government in formulation of climate change adaptation policies,” said MID-P’s Programme Officer Ibrahim Kabelo.

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