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Becoming a FarmBiz Society Agent

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Farmbiz Society is a business club for entrepreneurial farmers providing free and subsidised business support to our members. Our main purpose is to help our members build and run growing farm businesses. Our main purpose is to help our members build and run growing farm businesses.

Farmbiz Society works with farmers, renowned stakeholders in the agricultural industry, including parastatals, state corporations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations, experts in the field and others to ensure its members are equipped to increase their yields, get more sales, get better prices and ultimately make more money.

FarmBiz Society has been designed to ensure that every member earns far more in financial benefits than the cost of the society membership, be it through free advertising, free websites, input discounts, buyers’ alerts, and a myriad other ways. One of the ways of benefiting through the society is by becoming a FarmBiz Society agent, and earning commissions for the society.

The job is to recruit members to the society by talking and marketing the society  to as many people as possible, including members of your family, other farmers, friends, neighbours, and people in your circles.As a non-member, you can join FarmBiz Society for free by successfully recruiting six new members to the society. As each member joins they need to add your name and number in the right space in the registration form, as the person who recruited them.

When you have recruited six member, we will automatically issue you with your free membership of the society.Once you are a member of FarmBiz Society, you will be eligible for all the benefits of FarmBiz Society, the same as any fully paid member.You can also them become an official member agent. As a member agent, you will earn an immediate agent’s fee of Sh400 for each new member you recruit to FarmBiz Society.Your agent’s payment will be made to you by Mpesa within two days of your newly recruited member joining the society.

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