News and knowhow for farmers

Boosting Ginger Yields with Compost Coffee Husks Manure: A Comprehensive Guide

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To boost ginger yields by up to 30%, farmers can utilize compost coffee husks manure instead of original coffee husks and other bio-organic fertilizers. Coffee husks are rich in lignocellulose materials, ideal for stimulating microbial processes in the soil and promoting crop growth. This article offers detailed instructions on optimizing ginger production using compost coffee husks manure.

Preparing and Applying Compost Coffee Husks Manure

Mix coffee husks with cow manure, urea, and phosphorus for composting. Spread the composted mixture evenly across the field. 3 to 6 lorries or 50kg of compost are needed for an acre.

Planting Ginger Rhizomes

Propagate ginger by dividing rhizomes. Plant seeds 30cm apart in drilled rows with a 60cm spacing between rows for healthy growth.

Harvesting and Potential Returns

Mature ginger exhibits yellowing, withering, and drying of aerial parts. Leave the crop unharvested in the first year for improved yields in the second year. With proper care, an acre can yield up to 10 tons, earning farmers up to Sh60,000,000.

Harvesting Techniques

Uproot the entire ginger plant for harvesting. Yields depend on factors like soil fertility and rainfall. An acre can produce 2 to 8 tons. Selling at Sh8,000 per kilogram, a ton can fetch Sh8,000,000.

Integrated Pest and Disease Management for Ginger

Maintain field hygiene by ensuring proper drainage, preventing water stagnation, periodic weeding, and incorporating well-rotted FYM compost (25 tonnes/hectare) to increase soil pH. Utilize raised beds (25-30 cm height) and mulching with leaves, twigs, or mustard oil cake (5 to 10 tonnes/hectare). Rotate crops every 2 to 4 years based on disease severity.


By following the outlined procedures and implementing integrated pest and disease management techniques, farmers can optimize ginger yields and increase profitability. Compost coffee husks manure proves invaluable for enhancing ginger growth, providing sustainable solutions for the farming community.

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