News and knowhow for farmers

Exporter looking for farmers to grow French beans and Passion fruits

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Everfresh Produce Ltd, an exporter dealing with French beans and passion fruits is looking for farmers to grow the produce for export to the international market at a time when Kenya’s fresh produce value increased by 41 per cent in 2017 to Sh305bn up from Sh216bn recorded in 2016 according to data from the Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya.

In this, the fruits and vegetables earned Sh9bn and Sh24bn on export volumes of 56,945 tonnes and 87,240 tonnes respectively.

The Horticulture Directorate of Kenya reports that the sector is the fastest growing agriculture industry in Kenya with an annual growth rate of seven per cent and is ranked third in foreign exchange earnings behind tourism and tea.

A farmer who is interested in working with Everfresh has to sign a binding contract with the company and will be allocated an agronomist who will guide them on the whole production process.

The mode of payment and how much a farmer will receive upon delivery of produce is all included in the contract which will be discussed between Everfresh and the farmer.


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French beans knowns as mishiri  in local Kenyan dialect is a major export crop that is gaining momentum among farmers due to its demand in the local and international market for fresh consumption and processing.

In Kenya French beans are grown in Machakos, Nyandarua, Kirinyaga, Naivasha, Embu, Nyeri and Thika.

The crop does well in altitudes of between 1500 to 2000m above sea level receiving annual rainfall of 900 to 1300mm. During the off-season period, the crop can be irrigated to allow for continuous production and needs at least 50mm of water.

French beans grow well in sandy, loam or clay soils which are high in organic matter with optimum Ph levels of 6.5 to 7.5.

The beans are sown directly into the seedbed and take 60 days to mature in warm areas such as Machakos.

On the other hand passion fruit are ranked the third most popular fruit in the country after mangoes and bananas and is used in making fresh juices.

Everfresh Produce Ltd can be reached on +254 722 496 836 or

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1 thought on “Exporter looking for farmers to grow French beans and Passion fruits”

  1. Apollo Ngitto

    I’m a farmer in kapsabet Baraton university to be specific and I was looking to secure a contract with you guys my land size is 5 acres my contact is 0792723696 name Apollo Ngitto

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