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Farmbiz Africa calls farmers for training on nursery seedlings production

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As Farmbiz Africa family, we are glad to invite all farmers interested to venture into nursery seedlings production for a one day workshop which will explore among other issues, how to become a certified and high-quality producer of the planting materials.

The training which comes shortly after a successful one we conducted last month on how to export farm produce will take place on 1st November 2019 at FarmBiz Africa offices at New Kitisuru, Nairobi targeting 30 – 50 growers.

The workshop will cover the high-yield opportunity from KALRO, presenting prize seeds that have been developed, but are not yet being propagated, the marketing needs and support available for high-yield nurseries from FarmBiz, and the set-up and KEPHIS registration process.

Our objective is to ensure that at the end of the training, farmers will be able to identify and access high-opportunity high-yield seeds for propagation, assess the market opportunity for new high-yield seeds, know of the free marketing support from FarmBiz for high-yield ventures, understand the set-up and registration process to produce high-yield seeds commercially and know where to source expertise on seed production methods.

To measure the success or failure of the training program, its impact, and how it can be improved, questionnaires will be given out at the end of the session. After three months, another questionnaire will be issued to measure changes in knowledge and assess the impact of the program.

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How to register for the training

For registration for the one-day workshop, participants are requested to give their details in the form provided on the link>  and send Sh1,450 course payment to Mpesa number 0725 284 161.

Note: Your phone number should be the same as the Mpesa number that you send the course payment from.

The Sh1,450 registration fee will cater to the participants’ breakfast, lunch and other workshop materials which will be provided.

Cation: Okisegere Ojepat, CEO of Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya takes farmers through fresh produce export procedures during the past Farmbiz Africa training. Photo: Farmbiz Africa.

Phone: +254-776 343 892

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