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FarmBiz TV:Anna F1 hybrid tomato variety emerges front runner in the Kenyan market

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By John Matava

Tomatoes are among most popular commercial crops for smallholders due to their marketability, short maturity and low labour inputs. The Anna F1 tomato variety takes 60 to 75 days to reach maturity from transplanting compared to other varieties like Marglobe , Eden F1, Kentom F1, Rio Grande, Cal J and Mavuno F1 which take up to 90 days.

Being a hybrid tomato variety, the Anna F1 is more resistant to common tomato diseases, including the Alternaria stem canker and Fusarium wilt. It also offers fruits that have a deep red color, oval-shaped and firm even when ripe, what consumers prefer. Currently a kilo of Anna F1 retails at Sh130.

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