By George Munene
The new selection hybrid cabbage variety is tolerant to modern growing challenges of drought and diseases like black rot which is endemic in Kenya and persists in infected plant residue for up to two years. The cabbage also displays some measure of resistance to ring spots, fusarium yellows and pests like diamond back moth.
Chairman F1 is a vigorous medium maturing variety adapted to wide growing areas. On maturity, a single cabbage head can weigh 4-5 kg. The plant has excellent leaves wrapping ability forming round-shaped heads making them stay fresh for a long duration—ideal for long-distance transport and storage.
This variety matures in just 85-90 making it an ideal vegetable for farmers who looking to make money over a short period of time and with little production costs.
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According to Simlaw Seeds Company which has released several hybrid cabbages, Chairman F1 can easily out-compete other varieties in specific market segments due to its superior and reliable qualities.
A 25-gram sachet costs Sh1,560 with a recommended density of 100 grams per acre.
Simlaw Seeds: 0722200544