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FarmBiz TV:IT graduate earns double income and slashes input costs.

Clean Beetroot
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By John Matava

A Nakuru County farmer,Rehema Gathoni is earning approximately Sh90,000 in profits every three months,which is twice as much of what she was earning from cabbages.

The amount she makes currently is 2 times more of what she used to earn as a cabbage farmer considering that she was harvesting an average of 3000 kilograms from her eighth of an acre farm with each kilo retailing at Sh15.

As a cabbage farmer ,Rehema used to spend Sh12,000 on fertiliser and controlling cutworms which attacked 20 per cent of her crops.But now shifting to beetroots has slashed pesticides and fertiliser costs by a quater.

With a plant population of 15,000 plants she harvests  around 3000 kilograms and retails at Sh30 per kilo to earn Sh90,000 in every three months.

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