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Yara fertiliser program increases maize yield two-fold

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By George Munene

With the Yara application program, Kenyan maize farmers can now harvest 30 bags of maize per acre under ideal conditions from the previous 9 to 11 bags.

Yara International is an agricultural products manufacturer that has been operating in the Kenyan market for 25 years. The brand has in time gained traction as one of the most reliable fertiliser manufacturers in the country.

“Using the Yara application program, farmers report an increase of four bags per acre compared the usual application of CAN+DAP, and can harvest up to 30 bags of maize for every acre,” said Ngina Mwololo, a Yara agronomist.

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You will need a 75kg Yara Power bag that will cost you Sh3000 for sowing and another 75kg Yara Amidas bag for top dressing that will cost you Sh2500. Topdressing ought to be done after three-four weeks and when the crop is at the three-leaf stage. The application rate is 10 grams—approximately two teaspoons—per hole.

A foliar which is a concentration of phosphate together with zinc, magnesium and potash is applied at the rate of a liter for every acre. This is done on first top dressing and again after 10-14 days if possible. One liter of foliar costs Sh1200.

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According to Vitalis Wafula, Commercial Director Yara East Africa, “It is important to invest in products that actually deliver value to farmers; if a farmer is able to produce with two bags of Yara Mila Power and Amidas 30 bags of maize in an acre, for sure they will have more money to invest in something else.”

Yara Kenya: +254 724255370/ 724255371

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