News and knowhow for farmers

Giant Egyptian Pumpkin seeds available for farmers

Pumpkin-Jenifer Shiko Wanjiku.JPG
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Jenifer Wanjiku of Micro Herbs Industries showcasing Giant Egyptian Pumpkin during Central Kenya ASK show in Nyeri.

Micro Herbs Industries, professionals in organic and natural products is selling Giant Egyptian Pumpkin variety with ability to thrive in most of our regions climatic conditions. This variety also get along pretty well when mixed in the same field with a few other crops like maize and beans for symbiotic purposes.

The Nairobi based company which imports the seeds from Egypt also deals in refining of pumpkin and melon juices hence offer a ready market for farmers who might want to grow the giant pumpkins for commercial benefits.

“We encourage farmers to venture into farming this pumping variety for food and cash given our company will be the first optional market for such farmers,” said Jenifer Shiko Wanjiku, Micro Herbs Industries sales representative Kiambu, Kirinyaga Counties during Central Kenya ASK show in Nyeri.

She added that the firm also offer insights on how to plant the pumpkins to ensure interested farmers have the knowledge on how to raise quality plants for markets.

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“Framers are expected to choose a sunny spot which receives at least six hours of sun with enough oxygen for germination and ensure the ground is well moist before planting starts,” advises Wanjiku.

Generally pumpkin seeds can be soaked over night to make sprouting a little smoother. Then plant two or three seeds in a group about an inch apart in moist soil. Covering the seeds with a half-inch of moist soil and firm it lightly over them placing another half-inch of soil loosely on top is encouraged, then keep the soil moist, but not wet. Too much water will slow plant growth and encourage fungus diseases.

Wanjiku says that before the seeds germinate, water the bed gently to avoid washing off or exposing the seeds and once the seedlings sprout, thinning out the weaker and smaller seedlings is encouraged to leave just two or three strong healthy ones to grow.

Typically, pumpkins love fertile soil so before planting, spade the soil about a foot deep and mix in some compost, manure, or well-balanced fertilizer.

Farmers are advised to fertilize their pumpkins every two weeks or so with decomposed manure, compost or other source of nitrogen. Always water it well in case of low rainfall.

Reach Wanjiku on 0720756797 or reach the company on 0725292900 or 0719193111.


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