A hardy kale variety that can be harvested for up to 10 years as compared to others already in market that can only be harvested for about one month is gaining the interest of farmers around the country.
The Siberian kale variety cultivars grows into thick stems as it ages and can reach a height of 8-10ft.
Furthermore, it grows off-shoots, as it matures, which can then be plucked as cultivars for more propagation.
Joel Momanyi Osiemo, cultivates the variety and he swears that it withstands drought and is resistant to pests.
He is selling cultivars at Sh5 a piece, with a minimum order of 100 pieces.
He says he has tried the variety in different seasons and has found it to survive adverse conditions.
“With this variety, you can be assured of a continuous supply of vegetables, come rain come sunshine,” said Osiemo.
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To plant the kale, farmers need to put the cultivars in holes containing a mixture of manure and soil (ration 1:1), and then water it.
Regular watering is required in the first few weeks, but after the plants develop their roots, they can be watered as few times as once a week.
Farmers who are interested in the cultivars can reach Mr. Osiemo through phone number 0703228840.