By George Munene
To celebrate 10 years since its founding, the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) is holding free entry Open Week Exhibitions in 32 of its various centers and institutes across the country between the 21/22 and 22/23 March (1st March to 1st April, for KALRO-NARL Kabete) of this year.
Participating institutes include:
KALRO-NARL Kabete where farmers will get an on-site exhibition of transformative agricultural technologies from 31st March to 1st April 2023. To learn more call 0800721741 for information.
KALRO Dairy Research Institute open day will be held on 21st -22nd March at KALRO Naivasha. Farmers will learn about all the latest technologies, innovations, and management practices in dairy production.
KALRO Muguga (21st -22nd March 2023) open day where technologies available for showcasing include maize varieties, irrigation and greenhouse technologies, soil analysis, feed analysis, pest management, chicken feed & ration formulation, and more.
The KALRO Beef Research Institute will open its doors to all stakeholders on 21st -22nd March 2023 during the Open day to learn about the latest technologies in breeding bulls.
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KALRO Kitale will host farmers on the 21st -22nd of March 2023. A number of crop and pasture varieties will be showcased on this day and farmers will have an opportunity to learn from our researchers on the best farming practices.
On 21st -22nd March 2023 KALRO Njoro will be showcasing new and improved wheat varieties, soybean and sunflower seed, and clean planting materials for root and tuber crops.
KALRO Veterinary Research Institute at Muguga will showcase technologies that include East Coast Fever (ECF) vaccine, Molasses Urea Mineral Blocks (MUMBS), vaccines for poultry and small ruminants such as goats & sheep, and many more. The open day will be held between the 21st -22nd of March 2023.
KALRO Tigoni open day will be held on 22nd-23rd March 2023. Farmers will learn about improved potato varieties and certified seed potatoes for sale as well as soil testing and many more.
Stakeholders within Kericho and its environs are invited to learn about technologies on tea breeding and genetic improvement at KALRO Tea Research Institute, TRI Kericho, on 21st -22nd March 2023.
KALRO Katumani (21st -22nd March 2023) where a number of technologies suited for especially drylands including mechanization in relation to crops will be showcased. Various seeds and seedlings will also be on sale.
KALRO Alupe invites (21st -22nd March 2023) will give farmers an opportunity to see technologies such as green manure, sweet potato, cassava, sorghum, and many more.
KALRO Kibos invites farmers on 21st -22nd March 2023 for an Open Day. Farmers will learn from experts on different technologies, innovations, and management practices available in Kibos.
KALRO Msabaha will open its door for citizens on the 21st -22nd of March 2023 for farmers to learn about the different fruit seedlings suitable for planting in the Coastal lowlands areas.
Related News: KALRO manufactures multi-grain thresher to increase farmer profits
KALRO Mtwapa will host its stakeholders from the 21st to the 22nd of March 2023. During this day, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about fruit seedlings suitable for the Coastal lowlands areas like Matuga, Mariakani, and Mtwapa.
KALRO Apiculture and Beneficial Insects Research Institute, Marigat, between 21st -22nd March 2023. You’ll learn how to be a successful all-around farmer in dryland areas similar to Baringo.
KALRO Sugar Research Institute at Kibos on March 21st & 22nd 2023. Farmers will be guided on best management practices in the sugarcane value chain & innovative sugarcane production technologies.
Official list of exhibiting centers, their contacts, and exhibition dates:
Call 0800721741 for more information.