News and knowhow for farmers

Muranga based company looking for rabbit meat suppliers

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By George Munene

Deevabits Rabbit Farm located at Makuyu, Murang’a County is looking for rabbit suppliers from across the country. The farm pays Sh450 per Kg of rabbit meat (dressed weight) or Sh225 per Kg of live rabbit. The rabbit must have attained at least 2.5Kgs.

Deevabits picks a minimum of 60 rabbits from farmers in far-out counties such as Nakuru and Nyeri. For farmers with a number less than that they have to deliver the rabbits themselves.

The farm offers farm visits and training on rabbit keeping at a fee.
Related News:Factsheet: Selecting the best breeding rabbits for meat – Part 1

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It also has a contract breeding program. As a contract farmer, it is possible to earn between Sh50,000 and Sh400,000 a month from the rabbit breeding program.

Trainees have to enroll for a Sh3000 course on the best rabbit keeping practices. They also get modern automated rabbit cages and improved rabbit breeds from Deevabits. You will then have a ready market; able to sell back the rabbits to them for the next 5 years.

Deevabits Rabbit Farm: 0705554394

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