News and knowhow for farmers

NCPB opens storage facilities to wheat farmers to help mitigate losses

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By George Munene

The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) will open its storage facilities to wheat farmers this season to help them avoid post-harvest handling losses. The move will also enable farmers to keep their produce in reserve, fetching better future prices when markets are not flooded and the amount of cheaper imports has reduced.

The service will be offered at silos in Nairobi, Nakuru, Narok, and Eldoret branches. NCPB will charge Sh81 for every 90 kg bag stored– a cost to be shouldered by both the miller and farmer.

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This move will also help small-scale farmers, most of whom lack proper storage infrastructure.

Once the grain has been delivered by farmers, millers can buy the wheat and offtake from one of the board’s silos.

Wheat buyers can access grade one wheat for Sh3,700, and grade two for Sh3,600. The price of grade three wheat will be determined through consultation between the farmers and miller.

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