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New Amiran Kenya and Yara fertiliser triples vegetable harvests

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A field officer inspecting green house tomatoes, on which YaraMila Winner fertiliser was applied. The fertiliser triples vegetable yields. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Farmers can now triple vegetable harvests with the fast nutrient-releasing fertiliser, YaraMila Winner, recently introduced after  a collaboration between two international farm inputs firms, Amiran Kenya and Yara.

Amiran Kenya agronomist Timothy Munywoki says the NPK YaraMila Winner fertiliser can be applied during planting and top dressing to accelerate strong root, leaf and fruit development after transplanting.

“YaraMila Winner is a high quality, granular nitro-phosphate product that supplies a variety of nutrients that boost proper development of the various parts of crops for wholesome results in harvesting. Farmers and our demonstration fields have posted more than double harvests after application of this product,” he said.

The fertiliser can be applied on tomato, kales, cabbage, onions, watermelons, potatoes, cucumbers, french beans, among others.

Little rain or moisture required

Whilst most granulated top dressing fertilisers require heavy rains or a lot of irrigation water to break down and release nutrients, YaraMila disintegrates with light rains or sufficient wetness.

“Light showers are enough to start the process of releasing nutrients for use by the plants. This happens within three days after application. Other granulated top dressing fertilisers can last up to one week to release nutrients,” he said.


The fast breakdown ensures that nutrients do not go to waste due to environmental factors such as the strong sun. Other fertilisers scorch or ‘burn’ crops if there is no sufficient rain to speed the disintegration process.

Nitrogen, which makes up 15 per cent of the total mineral component, is key in synthesis of food. Sufficient nitrogen boosts leaf growth and fruiting.

Phosphorus in the fertiliser ensures strong vegetative vigour especially in the roots, flowers and branches for quality and quantity fruits.

The product is packaged into 10kg, 25kg and 50kg.

Munywoki can be reached on  +254719095259 or +254728853914.

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