News and knowhow for farmers

Nyamira farmer looking for manure suppliers in Kisii, Bomet, Kericho and Homa Bay

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A Nyamira banana farmer Erick Muturi is looking for manure suppliers in Kisii, Nyamira, Bomet, Kericho and Homa Bay for use in his three acre farm.

“I am looking for goat/sheep/cows manure in fairly large quantities like one or two canters once every three months,” said Muturi.

Currently, Muturi is using YARA winner fertilizer but he says the yields in his farm have dwindled due to continuous use over the last one year.

He applies one kilo of the fertilizer to one banana tree once every three months. In this, he uses 300kg (six 50kg bags) with each bag retailing at an average of Sh4,000.

“I now harvest between 10 to 20 banana bunches a week but if I were to apply manure as I used to before I will harvest double and bigger bunches,” said Muturi.

Muturi, 35, has over 300 banana trees in his farm which is his main source of livelihood and his family.

“Anyone interested in supplying me with manure can contact me on +254 722 480 397 and we will negotiate the price based on a willing buyer willing seller basis,” he said.

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According to research published in the ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science manure and compost not only supply many nutrients for crop production, including micronutrients, but they are also valuable sources of organic matter. Manure increases soil organic matter and improve soil structure or tilth.

The research titled “effects of animal manure on the growth and development of okra” revealed that that the yield and yield components of okra were enhanced by the application of manure. Application of organic fertilizers furthermore improved the chemical properties of the soil when compared to the control.

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