By George Munene
- Unica
- Red-skinned
- Shallow eyes (bumps where potatoes start to grow)
- Creams flesh
- Long tubers
- Diseases: Susceptible to late blight
- Domancy (Time taken for tuber to sprout): 2-3
- Maturity: Early (3 months)
- Ideal for chips & crisps
- Rich in Vitamin C, Iron & Zinc
- Yield: 40-45 tons/ha
- Areas to be grown: Lowlands and highlands tropics 1400-3500 Meters Above Sea Level (MASL)
- Shangi
- Cream skin
- Shallow to medium pink eyes
- Cream white flesh
- Oval shaped tubers
- Diseases: Moderately susceptible to late blight
- Dormancy: Very short (Less than 1 month)
- Ideal for mashing, boiling, chipping, & roasting
- 30-40 tons/ha
- Areas to be grown : ≥1500 m.a.s.l. is the best. It does well in areas such as Nyandarua, Kiambu, Nyeri, Laikipia, Meru, Nakuru, Bomet, Narok, Kwale, Nandi, Kisii, Kericho, Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasin Gishu,Trans-Nzoia, West Pokot, Taita-Taveta, and Cherangani hills.
- Tigoni
- White skin
- Pale yellow flesh
- Shallow white eyes
- Diseases: Tolerant to late blight
- Dormancy: Short (1 month)
- Ideal for mashing, boiling, chipping, baking, & roasting
- Yields: 35-45 tons/ha
- Areas to be grown : High altitude of >2300 m.a.s.l is the best. It does well in areas such as Nyandarua, Kiambu, Nyeri, Laikipia, Meru, Nakuru, Bomet, Narok, Kwale, Nandi, Kisii, Kericho, Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, West Pokot, Taita-Taveta, and Cherangani hills.
- Kenya Mpya
- Cream white skin
- Cream white flesh
- Shallow pink eyes
- Oval shaped tubers
- Dormancy: Short (1 month)
- Diseases: Resistant to late blight
- Ideal for mashing, boiling, chipping, & roasting
- Yields: Very high (40-45 tons/ha)
- Areas to be grown: Medium to high altitude of 1400-3000 m.a.s.l. It does well in areas such as Nyandarua, Kiambu, Nyeri, Laikipia, Meru, Nakuru, Bomet, Narok, Kwale, Nandi, Kisii, Kericho, Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, West Pok
- Dutch Robyjn
- Slightly rough red skin
- Pale yellow flesh
- Shallow to medium pink eyes
- Round shaped
- Diseases: Susceptible to late blight & Drought
- Dormancy: Long (Over 3 months)
- Ideal for crisping
- Yield: 35-40 tons/ha
- Area to be grown: High altitudes of 1800-2600 m.a,s.l is the best. It does well in areas such as Kiambu, Nyandarua, Nyeri, Meru, Nakuru, Bomet, Uasin Gishu, Trans-Nzoia, West Pokot, Taita-Taveta, and Cherangani hills. The best area is Bomet County.
- Kenya Karibu
- Deep red skin
- Yellow flesh
- Dark red medium eyes
- Round in shape
- Dormancy: Long (Over 3 months)
- Diseases: Tolerant to late blight
- Ideal for chipping, crisping, boiling, and mashing
- Yield: 35-40 tons/ha
- Areas to be grown: Altitude of 1800-2600 m.a.s.l is the best. It does well in areas such as Nyandarua, Kiambu, Nyeri, Laikipia, Meru, Nakuru,
Bomet, Narok, Kwale, Nandi, Kisii, Kericho and Cherangani hills.