News and knowhow for farmers

New pesticide sprayer helps farmers reduce chemical wastage

knapsack power sprayer
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A modern motorized knapsack power that pumps four times faster and covers a wide area in a short time than the manual sprayer has been introduced into the market by Favor Machinery and Auto Spares, a Nakuru based company.

With the motorized sprayer, farmers can spray up to four acres of land in one day as compared to the manual one which covers two acres in a day. It is also used for spraying cows and sheep to control tick infestation.

The Power Knapsack sprayer model AC 767 makes 6500 to 7500 revolutions per minute and discharges seven to 10 liters of chemicals per minute.


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The sprayer can help farmers all over the country control the spread of the fall armyworm which has rapidly spread to all maize growing areas in Kenya such as Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, Narok, Bomet among other areas.

The sprayer which was introduced three years ago  has been sold to more than 1,200 smallholder farmers in Subukia, Laikipia, Emining, Kisii, Kerugoya, Eldoret, Meru, Ravine, Thika, Chuka and Murang’a according to Kelvin Kigen, a sales representative at Favour Machinery.

“The sprayer is powered by a three liter petrol engine and can be used to spray fruit trees more than four meters high due to its high pressure on the nozzle that allows for adjustment of pressure,” said Kigen.

Kelvin Kigen demonstrating how a power knapsack sprayer works/PHOTO/FILE

The power sprayer can thus help farmers minimize chemical wastage and saves on time.

“When operating the sprayer it is important to wear gauze mask, safety helmet and long sleeve clothes or an apron” said Kigen.

It is appropriate to refuel the sprayer when the motor is cool. The operator should also ensure there is enough ventilation if the motor is started in a room. Never eat anything or smoke when working and always check on the nozzle to avoid blockage by materials such as soil or grass particles.

Expectant mothers, tired or sick people are advised to avoid using the sprayer in their condition as this may affect their health levels.

The power knapsack sprayer is sold by Favor Company at between Sh20,000 to Sh25,000 depending on the brand.

Kelvin Kigen can be reached on +254722531778 or +254705466313

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