News and knowhow for farmers

Sugar milling factory coming up in Narok

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Narok County government has signed a deal with Ambeet Sugar Holdings for the construction of a Sh1.5b sugar milling company.

This mill will feed on sugarcane produced in the 700,000 acres of land in the county that are suitable for cultivation of the cash crop.

The deal comes after an investors conference held in December. The move is expected to entice more farmers from the area to get into sugarcane farming in in the wheat and barley production basket.  Further, the mill would create 150 new direct jobs.

Successful event

The deal was part of Sh54.7b worth investments, spanning across Agriculture, Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Energy and Tourism, confirmed during the two-day conference.

Sh28.35billion of the total value of deals signed   went to agricultural projects.

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