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Thika hor­ti­cul­ture farm finds reliable cash selling to schools & retailers

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gathiru kales vegatables farm

Gathiru Farm, hor­ti­cul­ture pro­duce grow­ers in Thika, a town just 42 kilo­metres north­east of Nairobi has ven­tured into fresh ve­get­able pro­duc­tion to feed schools, ho­tels and sup­ply ho­tels, su­per­mar­kets, gro­cer­ies and stores which offer steady and ready mar­ket as op­posed to traders and one-off con­sumers.

“When we star­ted farm­ing last year in Septem­ber we used to har­vest on order for traders who come from Thika Town and Nairobi. However, with time the buy­ers star­ted be­com­ing un­re­li­able in terms of col­lect­ing the pro­duce and mak­ing pay­ments in time. This has forced us to up our pro­duc­tion stand­ards something that has en­abled us to ac­quire sup­ply tenders with in­sti­tu­tions and big­ger re­tail­ers,” said Peter Gathiru, the founder of the farm.

Among the ve­get­ables, the farm spe­cial­ized in in­clude spin­ach, kales, broc­coli, zuc­chini, cauli­flower, dh­ania, cap­sicum (green and yel­low), lettuce and red cab­bage. They also grow in­di­gen­ous vari­et­ies such as man­age (black night­shade) and ter­ere among oth­ers.

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In order to at­tract more buy­ers, the farm of­fers free de­liv­ery within Thika Town.

The farm is also provid­ing a free train­ing op­por­tun­ity for stu­dents both high school and ter­tiary level pur­su­ing ag­ri­cul­ture courses and up­com­ing farm­ers. The train­ing ses­sions are al­ways booked by farm­ers and learners alike.

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