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Varsity develops platform helping farmers market crops, receive agronomic support

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By George Munene

The Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK) has partnered with three county governments to launch the Kenya Rural Transformation Centres Digital Platform (KRTCDP) project, which aims to market farmers’ crops and connect them with all sectors in the agricultural value chain.

KRTDCP aims to put farmers at the center of a single electronic ecosystem and link them to all agricultural sector value chain players. 

It looks to increase productivity, profitability, and sustainability of agricultural cooperatives and hence the entire agriculture/food and trade value chains, through integrating smallholder farmers with all stakeholders along the agriculture value chain, by developing a digital platform (RTC Digital Platform) connecting farmers with the private sector and public services.

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The project which is to be implemented by CUK has been supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB) through the Fund for Africa Private Sector Assistance (FAPA). The pilot phase of the project will be implemented in Nakuru, Baringo, and Narok counties, with an initial focus on maize, Irish potatoes, and dairy.

According to Agriculture Secretary State Department of Crops Development, Mr. Josphat Muhunyo, the project will connect farmers with value chain players such as input suppliers, agro-dealers, and other service providers.

“I am delighted that we are launching the KRTCDP project that is designed to enable smallholder farmers to connect to all critical players in the agricultural forward and backward value chains. Through the shared digital platform, farmers will be able to easily engage input suppliers, agro-dealers, financiers, insurance agencies, marketers, and buyers, among other service providers, on a mobile phone platform,” said CUK Vice Chancellor, Prof Kamau Ngamau.

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The project is expected to be completed in three years.

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