News and knowhow for farmers

Win Sh10,000 through Farmbizafrica to shop at your local agrovet

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Farmbizafrica is conducting a survey to help us better understand the challenges faced by farmers in combating pests, diseases, and weeds. 

Farmers who fill out our questionnaire will enter into a poll prize draw. The prizes are Sh10,000 for the winner to spend at their local agrovets, and two runners-up prizes of Sh2,000 each in agrovet vouchers. 

All participants will also get a firsthand look at our write-up outlining our forecast on the crops we think will be major money-makers in 2024.

The survey will be used to:

  1. Assess the nutritional and economic impacts of pests, diseases, and weeds on farmers
  2. Gauge the emergence of hard-to-control pests to farmer’s yields, income, and food security
  3. Assess the impact of pesticide bans on farmers
  4. Understand farmer habits regarding pesticide application 

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3 thoughts on “Win Sh10,000 through Farmbizafrica to shop at your local agrovet”

  1. Hello, this is such a good more to help farmers better understand about IPM, but unfortunately most of the farmers are not conversant with all these. Most of the farmers out here still uses agrochemicals to control pests and disease through the advice of an agrovert sales person who are less concern about the safety of the farmers. The also sell to the farmers the banned agrochemicals because they are at business anyway. So if it’s possible alot of enlightment should be brought closer to the farmers for them to better understand that there are so many ways to control pests and diseases naturally and the chemical option should be the last resort.

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