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Yara announces carbon trading plan for local farmers

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By George Munene

Yara East Africa’s Kenya manager William Ng’eno has announced plans by the giant fertiliser manufacturer to partner with local farmers enabling them to earn from carbon trading.

“We have an initiative around regenerative agriculture where farmers will be able to signup and earn carbon credits from good practices they will be implementing on their farms,” informed Ng’eno.

The plans aimed at supporting the government’s efforts at tackling climate change will engage various county governments in implementing sustainable agricultural practices. 

Farmers will be able to earn an extra income from sustainable farming systems that enhance environmental sustainability.

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The first step of the carbon trade will involve the conservation and restoration of mangrove forests on the Kenyan Coast. 

Mangrove forests are highly effective at carbon sequestration as most of the carbon is stored in the soil rather than in the plants.

Speaking during a conference on Agriculture and the Blue Economy at Mombasa, Ng’eno further called for better private-public partnerships to help bridge the food yield gap via sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.

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