Mfalme F1 kales variety. It matures between 45-60 days and is good for uncers patients as it does not have acidic contents. Photo: Zablon.
East African Seed Co. Ltd (EASEED) has launched Mfalme F1 kales variety which do not have acidic substances such as quinic, malic, malonic and citric acids as most vegetables in the market hence they are best for ulcers patients.
According to the company’s agronomist, the variety is a combination between parent plants’ characteristics of cabbage and kales making the variety loved by most consumers.
“Mfalme F1 is currently favoured by most farmers and traders alike because it does not have any side effects on consumers.”
According to a research published in 2015 on Composition of Major Organic Acids in Vegetables and Spices by Līga Prieciņa and Daina Karklina, spices contain higher total organic acid content than vegetables and these acids contents are only significantly decreased by steaming as pre-treatment.
People with ulcers have acid reflux diseases and certain foods can affect the lower part of the esophagus allowing the acid and stomach contents to back up in the esophagus, to reduce these risks avoid acidic foods such as citrus, tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce or tomato juice, according to researchers.
Mfalme F1 matures between 45-60 days depending on agronomical practices and regions. And ones harvesting starts, a farmer can enjoy one full year harvesting and profit.
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The variety is also resistant to pests and diseases such as powdery mildew, white flies and aphids among others.
A farmer can harvest 70 and 90kg bags every day.
Currently a 50kg sack of kales goes at between Sh1,880 and Sh3,300 in major towns and cities in Kenya and this variety can even fetch more because of its benefits to consumers.