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Unique and fast maturing pumpkin seeds ready for farmers

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Orange fleshed SF137 Lanky Leon pumpkin Hybrid. They are orange from the time they are tiny to maturity. Photo: Seedman.

Farmers can now meet the rising demand of pumpkin lovers by a rare pumpkin variety with high yielding capacity and faster maturity.

The orange fleshed SF137 Lanky Leon pumpkin Hybrid availed by Seedman Limited takes only 85 days to mature and has high yielding vines that can complete your festive harvest programme.

While most pumpkins are dark green immature and turn orange as they ripen SF137 Lanky Leon Hybrid are orange from the time they are tiny.

They are also narrow in shape and their handles are firmly attached to pumpkins making them don’t get very large in size.

It is also tolerant to pumpkin diseases like Powdery Mildew (PM) Races 1 and 2. PM is a white powder-like bacteria and it is the most common pumpkin disease. It shows up in hot, humid weather, just as your pumpkin is really getting big and it is seen as lesions on the upper surface of the foliage.

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Agro experts advice on pumpkins that feel firm, with consistent coloring throughout, with a solidly attached stem that assures a farmer of high disease tolerance, safe harvest and high market demand.

Generally pumpkins need an optimum temperature of 95ºF because they are very sensitive to cold. Planting should be done in rows. SF137 Lanky Leon Hybrid seeds like any other pumpkins are sown 6 to 12 inches apart in rows 6 to 10 feet apart.

According to the Seedman sales department five seeds of SF137 Lanky Leon pumpkin Hybrid costs about Sh305 and orders can be made online for quick shipping and delivery.


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